Thursday, April 4, 2013

Moving this month

 Billies memories

We are on the move again, this time we are moving back to the West end of Vancouver close to where we used to be 5 years ago.
I needed to be closer to my daughter Patricia and my darling granddaughter Billie 25 months young
Billie Rose
So this week I have been taking photos of our area as a reminder to Billie of our walks her memories and her many "Firsts" in her life
Doggy with red bow

Stuffed white dog on porch

Doggy on pole

Grandpa and Billie walking on air

Where grandpa would let me run free like the wind

My slide

My swing

My playground where grandpa and I would run up & down the half pipe

My ship I was the captain of

My community garden

Grandpas house where I would sleep after my adventures with him

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